Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thank YOU

While we don't have any updates about the arrival of baby Anest, we do have a very important update to share with you: our adoption is FULLY funded! This is a huge praise! Because we're now on the waiting list, it takes a great deal of stress away knowing that we will be able to say "YES!" whenever we receive that very important phone call.

I know several of you have asked us about a timeline. I wish so much that I could give you one! Our domestic adoption may be a little different from what you probably think of with adoptions, though. For many international adoptions, families are given a waitlist number. That is not the case for us. At our agency, a birthmother has the option to choose the family. To me, this is a beautiful thing! I see this as one of the ways our agency cares for the birthmother; it offers a little bit of closure knowing that she was able to make a decision about the life her child will have.

I wanted to take a minute to express our deepest gratitude to you all for the way you have shown us generosity over and over again in our endeavor to bring our little one home. We were moved to tears many times just seeing the way that God provided through your gifts to us.

We still want to see you wearing your t-shirt. If you bought one from us, please send us a pic! 

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