Wednesday, April 12, 2017

When the Answer Seems to Be "No"

It has been exactly one year since we posted an adoption update, and unfortunately that is because there is simply nothing to report. May will mark 2 years of being on the waiting families' list. We have been in contact with our agency during this time, and we learned in the Fall that our profile was being passed over in large part due to concerns over us being a military family. So, we updated our profile book to help assuage some concerns expressed by birthmothers about the possibility of instability due to military moves every few years. But we never got a phone call about a placement. That, combined with learning that our agency has had an unusually low placement rate the past couple of years has led us to reconsider our adoption plan.

I LOVE our agency. I think they care so well for birthmothers and work hard to encourage adoptive families in the waiting. But they are having less birthmothers choose adoption in general and less who are choosing our type of profile. We know that if we stay with our current agency, we are likely facing several more years, not months, of waiting. 

So, please pray with us as we decide what to do in the near future. We have been feeling pulled toward international adoption, but we don't want to make a move without prayerful consideration. I am also praying that the Lord will use us in this to minister to other weary and waiting families! 

So many of you have walked this road with us and have been so gracious to us that I wanted to let you know that we are still in the adoption process and we are still eagerly awaiting the little one the Lord has chosen for our family. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


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