Thursday, June 19, 2014


It has been a while since we updated you on our adoption progress. We have been quite busy with travel, the end of another semester of seminary, and a little work in there somewhere ;)

First, thank you so much to those of you who have given to our adoption fundraiser or purchased Well Bean coffee to support us. We are grateful and overwhelmed at the generosity of friends, family, and even some who have made donations even though they don't know us. You are a part of our adoption story! We are a little closer to our goal, and for that we praise the Lord. Just as a reminder, if you would like to make a donation, please click the Pure Charity link on the right side of this page. You can also purchase Well Bean coffee on their website (just be sure to enter ANEST in the coupon code box when you check out so we receive 25% of the purchase!). Or for you Raleigh area folks, the Well Bean drive-thru is also graciously supporting our adoption. Let us know if you would like a support card, and go get a delicious smoothie or coffee!

Another thank you is due to our friends who have written letters of recommendation. We wouldn't be able to do this without you.

The big news for us lately is that we recently had a chance to visit some friends for about 10 days. We had a blast exploring a new city, laughing with our friends and their adorable kiddos, and trying some amazing food. We came back encouraged to press on in many areas, especially in our adoption. We are so grateful for these dear friends, and the people we met while we were there. A special shout out to two new friends who are now buying Well Bean to support our adoption!

Here are our friends' precious kids! How cute are they?! I felt like we got a little glimpse into the parenting life, and now I am even more excited for the little one that God has for our family.

So, where are we in the adoption process? We are STILL completing paperwork for our homestudy. Will you pray for us, that God will grant us the time and efficiency to finish quickly? Especially with Chris taking one seminary class this summer and Army training obligations, we need God's help to finish it all. We have two major things left before we can begin the homestudy: background checks -- these have been submitted and we are waiting on a few of the results -- and finishing the required training (we have 2 books to read). Our goal is to begin the homestudy in AUGUST!
Thank you for your prayers, support, and love.
-- Jessica