Tuesday, April 12, 2016

When the Waiting is Long

What do you do when the waiting is long, and there is no end in sight? The reality for adoptive parents is that no matter how short or long the waiting actually is, it all feels like too long. But that's not the kind of waiting I mean. I am talking about when things really do take a long time.

It can be easy to feel discouraged when plenty of adoption stories sound something like, "we finished our paperwork, and a week (or month) later we had a child! All in God's timing!" I've read 2 stories like that just today. Most of the time, people are just expressing gratitude to God and that is a beautiful thing! Sometimes, though, we can mistake God's delay or quickness to give a good gift as somehow dependent on how well we behave. How well we've trusted. Prayed. Believed.

God's timing may also be, like it has been for us, to remain in the adoption process for YEARS, not months. Or to wait on that relationship to be restored for half a lifetime. Or to be single a little longer when you desire to be married.

Can I just encourage us all to dig into Scripture that speaks of God's goodness? Perhaps Psalm 16? Or Psalm 118? Hold tight to our good God, for he hasn't abandoned us.