Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Adoption T-Shirts!

Hey everyone!

First, a brief update: we are starting our homestudy this week! Please keep us in your prayers. We probably won't post another update until we have completed this part of the adoption process.

We are also getting closer to having all of the funds necessary to complete the adoption! Praise the Lord. We have decided to sell adoption t-shirts to help with the remainder of the funds needed. You can see the design below. The verse is one of our favorites: John 14:18, which says, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." We hope you like it!

Here are the details:
- The price of the t-shirts is $20.
- Sizes are adult Small - XL. XXL and XXXL are also available, but will be $5 extra (the company is charging us extra for those 2 sizes).
- You can give us cash or a check. If you do choose to give us a check, please make it out to Chris or Jessica Anest.
- We can ship your shirt to you! If you live outside the Raleigh area, please just let us know and we'll gladly send it to you.
- We will be taking orders until February 24. All the shirts will be ordered at that time, and you should receive your shirts shortly afterward (delivery time will depend on if we ship it to you).

You can comment here, on Facebook, or by contacting us directly (face-to-face or texts are fine!). We need to know how many t-shirts you would like, the sizes, and how you would like to pay us.

We love you all! We couldn't do this adoption without you.
Chris & Jessica

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Quick Update

For the sake of brevity, I'm offering just a few updates in the form of what we're celebrating (praises) and what we're asking the Lord to do.

- We turned in the last bit of pre-homestudy paperwork yesterday! Now on to the homestudy!
- We are nearing our fundraising goal. In fact, we are just under $4,000 needed.
- We should be starting the homestudy this month!

Prayer Requests:
- There is a lot to do in preparation for the social worker actually visiting our home. We have to re-submit a background check, get our home in order, and prepare to move, all in the midst of Chris's last semester of seminary.
- Lord willing, we will be moving off campus sometime this semester. We are working with our agency to figure out how to best proceed with the homestudy while we're not yet in our new place.
- Pray that the Lord will provide the rest of the money we need, whether that is through fundraisers or through adoption grants.
- Pray that God will give us perseverance to finish well.